
Monday, 18 April 2016

What Parents Should Be Aware of: END BULLYING GLOBALLY - Le Antonio's Foundation - Jamaica

At times parents can become engulfed in themselves, their troubles, their work and their lives in general, they loose focus of their own child/children's need. Some parents are so involved in other people's interests they don't even realize that their own child is suffering.  My question to parents out there is, "how close (parental bonding) are you with your child?" It is one thing to be a mother/father, it's another thing to be a parent. Do you as a parent love your child enough to have that closeness with them? Do you spend valued time to hear how they are feeling? Are you aware of their emotional needs or do you leave this for teachers at school to take care of? 

What you as a parent/s should be aware of it that you need to establish emotional closeness with your child/children so that they can open up and share their most sensitive thoughts with you. At times the thoughts may not be the very big one, but as a parent you should be a good listener. When you can listen to what your child is saying to you, it may surprise you how much is happening  with them, that at times needs only that moment  between you and them to know what is going on in their "world".

Be a good listener, take time out to converse with your children and ensure them that you are listening to what they are saying to you; your child should know that they are important to you. At times a child is being bullied and only good listening will reveal the underlining problem. Some children who are victims of bullying get so isolated in their own world, all they need is a listening ear. Don't think that because your child's eating habits has changed, they have become isolated, starts to wet their bed, and even begin to be isolated its all a part of growing up, other factors may be responsible for this change.

Your child should know that you not only say that you love them, but they should feel the love.  Let them know you trust them, talk with them about the topic of bullying, let them know its a criminal offence, and tell them to  always to tell you if at any point they feel they are being bullied. Your child should be told its not his fault they are being bullied. As a parent you have the responsibility of teaching your child all you can about the topic of bullying. Its your responsibility as a parent that they understand it.

On the other hand, may I ask, are you as a parent - a "bully" in the home?  Some parents are bullies and they don't even realize it. Children live what they learn. That is why I support Le Antonio's Foundation End Bullying Globally Initiatives in educating and enlightening everyone on the topic. As a result of childhood or present hardship some parents lack the social and psychological faculty to handle conflicts without violence and regrettably their children become the victims of their bullying behavior. If you as a parent is a bully or is bullying your child and you were not aware of it, there is hope for you to change this behavior, so that your child can be emancipated from the hurt and hardship you experience - it is in your power to break the life cycle of bullying. If you don't you run the risk of having a legacy of generational bullies, and a family tree of violence, crime and failed dreams.

What Will Your Legacy Be?

Think about it, if you beat your child consistently - they WILL get frustrated and become "hitters" - they can't beat you, so they will beat other children and later beat their spouses and other adults. If you are bullying them with your authority and calling them harmful names and isolating them, you should consider seeking urgent help, call Le Antonio's Foundation at 876- 353- 1389, we can help you. Its never too late to seek help but it could be too late when you loose custody of your child or loose their respect and love for you because of your action. Bullying is abusive, take care of them and never abuse them; as life has it, some mistakes are not easily corrected, they are the future. You will get old and need them, think about the seed that you are sowing - and reap happy, healthy children, who become intelligent, productive, loving, caring, forward acting adults.Think on these words and make a change in the life of the child you love so dearly. 

Happy Child - Happy Life - Happy Future - Happy Legacy!  

End Bullying Globally A Better Way – You Can’t Chase Me If I Don’t Run - by Nadine Barrett

Most times the persons that are being bullied feels like there is no way out of this situation. But the longer you allow yourselves to believe that, the longer these bullies will have power over you. It is time to take back that power! Unless you are willing to do that then you will forever be the victim.

The ability is within every individual to STAND UP and SPEAK UP for themselves and against injustice.Victims need to move away from the mindset that they are inferior, or that these bullies are in anyway superior to them. The mind is a powerful tool, so everyone should create within themselves the mindset of power and might. By so doing no one will be able to exert unnecessary power or influence over another.

I read an article earlier this year and it has resonated with me. The topic was YOU CAN’T CHASE ME IF I DON’T RUN. A child was being chased by another child whenever he saw her. She would complain to her mom about what was happening, the mother's response was “don’t run. He can’t chase you if you don’t run". So a person can only be bullied when they allow themselves to be. Stand up, speak up and SAY NO to bullying. As long as you are not running no one can chase you.

The sooner you realize that there is another or a better way and are willing to stand up and not run, then bullying will stop because the person who is chasing you will eventually stop as soon as they realize that you are no longer running. As long as you are willing to stand up and speak up the bullying will stop. It might not be immediate but eventually it will.

Is It Possible For a Teacher to Be a Bully ? Le Antonio's Foundation END BULLYING GLOBALLY

A teacher is someone who is enthusiastic about their profession and delights in sharing what they have learnt to their students. Teachers are persons of great influence in the lives of the children they are responsible for teaching. They help to lay a solid education and social foundation in our children's lives from the begin of a child's school years. Teachers are people that students look to both for direction and guidance in many different ways and on many different topics.

With such a high standing in the office of a teacher, I am here to ask every teacher reading this a few deep, heart-searching questions.  If you cant be honest with your students in your answers, at least be honest with conscience.  

Do you as a teacher do any of the following:

  • Call your students inappropriate names?
  • Push or slap the children under your care?
  • Do you insult the children under your care, both in public or in the presence of others?
  • Do you belittle them?  
  • Do you treat one child better than another?
  • Do you fail a child/children in your class because you don't like them?
  • Do you punish your student physically or mentally?

    The list is much longer than this one, but if you answer yes to any of the above, or if in any way you have demonstrated the behavior of a bully towards a child/children. I would like to remind you that it is abusive to do so, and Jamaica has laws that protect our children from abuse, you should revisit the reason why you became a teacher or a coach, and if you cannot abide by the natural and moral laws of not harming a child, you should change your profession.   

    Many teachers out there take their private problems to the classrooms. They are unhappy at home and innocent children pay the price for their poor home life problems. If you are one of who practice the behavior of bullying children, you need assistance in managing your life and, unfortunately, the classroom is not the place for you to seek assistance, seriously think about the life of the child that you could damage. If you would like to use the opportunity of your teaching career to benefit a child, but you are struggling with areas of bullying, please contact Le Antonio's Foundation - we will confidently refer you to the right assistance, but please do not continue to be the nightmares of innocent victims.  

    Remember, bullying is a criminal offence.  Please, for the sake of the youths....take a comprehensive inventory of your actions and the effect you have on the lives of the young person that you teach or coach. If the children's behavior is having a negative impact on how you view them or treat them, contact us (Le Antonio's Foundation) at 1 876 353 1389 we can help.